We are an Iranian trading company with more than 12 years experience in the field of different Type of belt Business. We can supply our clients With almost any type of the different Type of which specially include : textile , Printing , Packing , Food and other industries. It is our pleasure that you visit sama naghaleh web site. Our company gladly receive every proposal from all of Asian/ European/ etc. Companies for marketing and Sama Naghaleh experience and possibilities besides famous and recognized in a great port of industries. Can open the door for you to enter Iran market. Head office in which a lot of experienced personnel have been employed for marketing , Buying and Our shop located in spare part center. In with some of our selling activities in done. Our store includes various types of material and work shop with modern and equipped tools and equipment for preparing differt types of belts according to client s order.

Samanaghaleh Team

Manufacture and producer of Cots, Aprons and Dyesh. Catalog Download
Elatech Company
Manufacture and producer of PU Timing Belts. Catalog Download
ZWR (ZHA) Company
Manufacture and producer of Apron, Cots and Twin Disc. Catalog Download
ASTEKS Company
Manufacture and producer of Cots, Apron, Cot Grinding... Catalog Download
OMATEX Company
Manufacture and producer of Polivels, Knifes and Covers. Catalog Download
ZENTEX Company
Manufacture and producer of Spindle Tapes Types and Lifter Tapes Type. Catalog Download
SERVO Company
Manufacture and producer of Bobbin Holder, Ring Frame Tubes, Bobbins. Catalog Download
Manufacture and producer of modular & chain belts. Catalog Download
NITTA Company
Manufacture and producer of Power Transmission Belts and Flat Belts. Catalog Download